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Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 65: e22210277, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364462


Abstract: The presence of parasites in marine fish is a serious problem for the fishing industry in many countries. Some species of parasites can present a risk to consumers. Human health can be compromised by allergic reactions to parasitic antigens (hypersensitivity). The aim of the present study was to report the occurrence of parasite larvae in samples of frozen Alaskan fish fillets. A total of 108 samples of frozen Alaska pollock fish fillet were purchased from commercial establishments in the state of São Paulo - Brazil, from July 2017 to November 2019. The parasite search was carried out using the method dissection under transmitted light (candling table) according to AOAC (2005), method 985.12. Only 18 samples (17%), from four different brands, did not present any parasitic form, the others (90 samples) had at least one parasitic form, with the presence of cestodes of the order Trypanorhyncha (found in 73 samples) and nematodes of the Anisakidae family prevailing (found in 57 samples). It was also observed that more than half of the studied samples (76 samples) presented up to 5 parasitic forms in the kilogram rate. The results demonstrate the need for more data regarding the incidence of parasites in fish and their impact on human health, in order to alert the population and health authorities about its dangers, so that preventive and corrective measures are taken in the inspection process of these products, aiming to reduce any possibility of the occurrence of illnesses.

Rev. costarric. salud pública ; 25(1): 18-32, ene.-jun. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844763


ResumenLos peces y mariscos pueden acumular mercurio en sus tejidos. En este trabajo se establecen recomendaciones de consumo de productos pesqueros para los residentes de Costa Rica, a partir de la evaluación de los niveles de mercurio en pescados y mariscos analizados durante los años 2003-2013.Objetivo: Evaluar los niveles de mercurio (en mg/kg) en muestras de productos pesqueros, analizadas por el Laboratorio Nacional de Servicios Veterinarios (LANASEVE) del Servicio Nacional de Salud Animal (SENASA) de Costa Rica, durante el período 2003-2013, para sugerir un valor de Ingesta Semanal Tolerable Recomendada (ISTR) de pescados y mariscos.Materiales y métodos: Los ensayos de mercurio se realizaron, bajo un esquema de análisis de riesgo determinado por el Programa Nacional de Residuos del SENASA, en pescados y mariscos. Las muestras de músculo fueron recolectadas por personal del SENASA y enviadas al LANASEVE para evaluar los niveles de Hg. Las concentraciones de mercurio fueron luego comparadas con los dos valores límite establecidos por la normativa nacional e internacional para productos pesqueros: 1 mg Hg/kg para pescados depredadores y 0,5 mg Hg/kg para otros productos pesqueros.Resultados: Se encontró que aproximadamente el 85 % de las muestras de pescados depredadores cumplió con el valor límite de 1 mg Hg/kg. Por su parte, el 93 % de los otros productos pesqueros evaluados, mostraron niveles de mercurio por debajo de 0,5 mg Hg/kg.Conclusión: Para mujeres embarazadas se establecieron valores de ISTR de 171 g de pescados depredadores o 889 g de otros productos pesqueros, en tanto para niños los ISTR recomendados fueron 100 g de pescados depredadores y 519 g de otros productos pesqueros.

AbstractFish and seafood can accumulate mercury in their tissues. This work establishes fishery products intake recommendations for the residents of Costa Rica, based upon the evaluation of mercury levels on fish and seafood analyzed during years 2003-2013.Objective: To evaluate mercury levels (in mg/kg) in fishery samples, as analyzed by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory (LANASEVE) of the National Animal Health Service (SENASA) of Costa Rica, during the 2003-2013 period, to suggest a Tolerable Weekly Intake Recommendation (TWIR) for fish and seafood.Methods: Mercury assays were performed, under a risk-analysis scheme determined by the National Residue Program of SENASA, in fish and seafood. Muscle samples were collected by SENASA staff and sent to LANASEVE for evaluation of Hg contents. Mercury concentrations were then compared to two limit values established by national and international regulations for seafood: 1 mg Hg/kg for predatory fish, and 0,5 mg Hg/kg for other fishery products.Results: It was found that, approximately, 85 % of predatory fish samples complied with the 1 mg Hg/kg limit value. Meanwhile, 93 % of the other fishery products analyzed, showed mercury levels below 0,5 mg/kg.Conclusion: For pregnant women TWIR values were established at 171 g for predatory fish and 889 g for other fishery products, while for children the TWIR values were 100 g for predatory fish and 519 g for other fishery products.

Shellfish/toxicity , Fish Products/analysis , Mercury/toxicity , Coastal Pollution/analysis , Fishing Industry , Public Health , Costa Rica
Hig. aliment ; 23(174/175): 9389-93, jul.-ago.2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481836


O pescado é um alimento rico em proteínas e importante na alimentação humana, porém é um alimento de fácil deterioração necessitando assim, de um adequado controle de qualidade. Dentre os parâmetros de avaliação da qualidade dos alimentos, pode-se citar como mais importantes àqueles relacionados à qualidade microbiológica, pois fornecem informações que permitem avaliá-lo com relação à condição em que foi processado, armazenado e distribuído para o consumo, além de sua vida útil e o risco que causa à saúde da população. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a análise microbiológica de produtos à base de pescado, produzidos pelos participantes do Projeto EM TORNO DA MESA: alimentando sensibilidades e competências, desenvolvido pelo Departamento de Nutrição da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte em parceria com a Petrobrás. Foram realizadas análises de contagem de coliformes a 45°C; pesquisa de Salmonella sp e contagem de Estafilococoscoagulase positiva, que são os micro- organismos determinados pela resolução RDC n° 12 de 02 de janeiro de2001 da ANVISA para produtos à base de pescado refrigerados ou congelados (hambúrgueres e similares). Foi verificado que o hambúrguer apresentou boa qualidade microbiológica, sendo um produto próprio para consumo durante todo o período de armazenamento sob congelamento (3 meses). O quibe apresentou resultados em desacordo com os padrões exigidos pela legislação, já após seu processamento (dia zero), devido à contagem de Estafilococos coagulase positiva (1,68 x lü3UFC/g). A lingüiça mostrou bons resultados até o primeiro mês de armazenamento; após o segundo mês esta apresentou resulta- dos para estafilococos acima do permitido pela legislação.

Fish is a protein-rich food and important item on human diet. However, it is perecible food that requests an appropriated quality control. Among the evaluation parameters of the food, the most important ones are the related toits microbiologic quality, because they can supply the information needed for analyzing it regarding the conditionsunder it was processed, stored and distributed for consumption, besides its shelf life and the risks to the population' shealth. The aim of the present work was realize the microbiologic analysis of fish products that were produced by the participants of the project "EM TORNO DA MESA: alimentando sensibilidades e competências", developed at Departamento de Nutrição da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, to verify the hygiene and handling conditions of these products. Fecal coliform count analyses under 45OC; Salmonella sp research and Staphylococcus positive coagulase count (FDA, 1992), which are microorganisms determined by the ANV1SA Resolution RDCn.12, from January 2, 2001, for the freshen or frozen products based on fish (hamburgers or suchlike) were realized. It was verified that the hamburger exhibited a good microbiologic quality, being a product proper for consumption during all the storage period under freezing. Right after processed, the kibe showed results in disaccord to the law standards, due its Staphylococcus positive coagulase count (1,68 x 103UFC/g). The sausage exhibited good results during the first month of storage; after the second month, the results were above the permitted by law.

Animals , Frozen Foods , Food Storage , Food Hygiene , Food Microbiology , Fish Products/microbiology , Legislation, Food , Fishes , Consumer Product Safety